Joy, passion and happiness flowed easily as children 2-12 years old coloured in a whale. Even more satisfying were how the faces of the accompanying adults lit up with joy when we invited them to briefly be a "kid" again, and also colour in a whale.
Friday 16th June 2023 the "Whales of the Whitsunday" group in collaboration with Whitsunday Regional Council, Whitsunday Environmental and Little Fish Tourism Development Consulting, created a fabulous afternoon and evening, "Welcome Whales Whitsunday"
Creative Connections Whitsunday members were invited to provide a colouring in station and competition. We invited children and teens to colour in a Whale shape. What a magic opportunity. What a simplistic easy way to spread happiness in a community.
Several whale shapes to choose from, saw many coloured in and taken home.
Other budding artists chose to display theirs on the "Wall of Fame", seen here, for all to see.
Another eighteen children between 2 - 12 years old entered the "Whales of the Whitsunday" colouring in competition. This was divided into three age groups
Congratulations to all who entered the competition.
Well done to be a Winner of an age group. Neytiri - aged 5 years won the youngest age group (shown below) Charli - aged 9 years won the middle age group Skye - aged 12 years won the oldest age group
A special thanks to Linda, Carolyn, Lynette, Lisa, Leigh and Tina for being there and sharing the magic. Thank you, Whitsunday community for attending and supporting the entire event